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This is a four month online mentorship that will prompt, push and hold you to your promise to write your NOVEL.  

This is a four month mentorship that will prompt, push and hold you to your promise to write your NOVEL We have run this incredible course since 2007 and we have so many published authors who have completed this. 

I know most writers need a few things to make real progress in their writing:

  1. An experienced mentor to give you the right advice.

  2. Someone to hold you accountable and make sure you get it done.

  3. A place to ask experts questions when you get stuck

You are getting these three key elements in this mentorship. I set the targets and deadlines and show you how to move forward and write with clear focus and intent. This is the first step all writers must take down the path to publication. Without your first draft, you cannot progress to the next stage. So the first few weeks (yes weeks) are spent plotting and working out your plot points. Then you write to targets. 

In 100 Days you will end up with up to 80,000 words if you do the work as it is laid out in the course. I have been running this course since 2003 in various forms and I can honestly say it is just fantastic.

It will teach you to write a novel and push you the entire way to your first draft with daily emails, lessons and deadlines. 


Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to write a novel and doesn't know where to start

  • Beginner writers, intermediate writers, and advanced writers

  • Anyone with a story idea

1.  An incredible course. It includes all course material delivered via email, and our access to other writers and advice.

2 Unlimited access to our online WEEKLY WRITING SESSIONS 
Every single Wednesday there is a writing sprint session. We gather from 11am-3pm UTC/GMT (please do check what time it is in your own timezone and that its not the middle of your night) and hang out and write. Sounds boring? Then this group is not for you! We are all writing, and many writers will be on mentorships, but we also connect, chat and share.  You can join for one hour, or all four hours each week and can be working on any project (writing or book related). One of our regulars is making a photo book. Join and get your writing locked down and in progress. 

Every month we have three days of solid and real writing. These happen on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we spend this bulk of time writing.  It is a sure way to progress your writing... up to 24 hours of solid work and this will get your book to the finish line. 
​Drop ins or non-subscription rates are $40 per retreat. 
If you want more personal sessions, then select one of the personal mentorships here.


*  Every day for the first month you will be given a short 2 min lesson via email to read, or to watch.
*  Each day has exercises that takes you systematically through how to plot your book.
*  At key points you will be asked to send some work for feedback and review. 
*  The lessons will show you how to plot your story, step by step, beginning to end, going over what the story is about, who the characters are, where the story starts, how it reveals itself and how it ends. 

*  The format of the course will make sure your story is set up right (the beginning hook) and has the dramatic momentum (the middle build) to carry it through to a fulfilling ending.
*  You start actually writing after Day 10 and then the course will take you deeper into advanced plotting, storytelling, characters, dialogue, style, theme, genre and writing.
* Each stage of the mentorship has a task and word count targets for you to reach.
* You block book your own writing time when it suits you, using the prompts that I send you to know how far your writing should be at each point.  


First up you need to know that I am a huge fan of structure and plotting. I am a book editor and literary agent as well as a writing coach so I know that all stories need the architecture to hold them for the length of a full novel. I will want you to give your story into a rough outline, so my first step is to get that down on paper. I have a very tight plotting method we will use. 


What we cover 


What works? Exploring Different Approaches to Writing

Discover a variety of novel-writing techniques and experiment with different methods to find the approach that best suits your creative process.


Choosing Your Genre: Identifying Where Your Story Fits

Find your story's place in the literary world and make sure it hits the conventions and requirement


Plotting Basic: Structuring Your Novel and Crafting a Compelling Synopsis

Learn how to plot out key events in your novel and create a gripping synopsis that hooks agents and readers alike.


The Hero and Point of View (POV): Finding the Best Protagonist

Dive into the different narrative perspectives and determine which best serves your story’s voice and theme.


The Elements of Fiction: Understanding What Makes Great Fiction Click

We explore the Heroes Journey and the core beats of story that make a story truly resonate with readers—plot, character, setting, theme, and style—and how to weave them together.


The Cast: Character & Plot Development

Create fully realized characters and challenge them with scenarios that push your story forward and keep readers engaged.


Setting: Building Your Novel’s World and Mood

Learn how to build a believable world for your story and define the tone, style, and underlying themes that give it depth.


Beginnings Middles and Endings: Building to the Big Moments in Plot

Understand how to drive your plot toward powerful climaxes and critical scenes, and explore the cause-and-effect relationships that make your story's events feel inevitable.


Dialogue & Exposition: Writing Realistic Dialogue

Perfect the balance between natural, authentic dialogue and informative exposition to keep your story moving without bogging it down.


Polishing: Refining Your Plot

Learn the art of editing and refining your prose to ensure a clean, compelling narrative that reads effortlessly.


Manuscript Formatting: Getting Your Manuscript Ready for Submission

Master the professional formatting standards for submitting your manuscript to agents, publishers, or self-publishing platforms.


Final Checklist: Reflecting Before You Move Forward

Go through a series of questions to make sure every aspect of your story is solid before you take the next steps.


Publishing Options: Preparing to Submit Your Work to the Publishing World

Get ready to submit your manuscript by learning the ins and outs of the publishing process, from preparation to submission.

Best Value

Write your NOVEL in 100 Days

USD 250


This is a 3.5 month course with The Writing Room

Valid for 4 months

FREE access to The Writing Room community

No Personal Coaching Session

Daily lessons and task via email

Gladys Ryan, The Selful Soul   published 2023

I started my journey with my beloved project in 2015. I dipped in and out of it for the past 3 and some years, feeling close to it but lacking that something to lead me forward. Since joining the group in August, absolutely everything changed. I keep looking back in awe because I’ve now completed a first draft. And that’s a big thing! There is something special about having a place to account as well as having two strong and experienced guides to crack the whip and remind you of your commitments.
This continues to be an invaluable experience for me and I feel mushy and weepy with gratitude for it. 

Leigh Taylor  2019

I LOVED everything. The structure and the accountability. I loved the combination of  inspiration and Sarah's taskmaster writing challenges. I loved hearing other people's progress and stories – it inspired me to carry on. Also was great as a forum to discuss some of the structural aspects of writing and really narrowing the focus of your book's core. 

Caroline Menell 

I have challenged myself to test a dream. I loved it. This mentorship is extremely supportive & well structured so one is not left in the wilderness and wondering what to do or write next”. The weekly tasks are very well thought through and keep one on track and it’s wonderful to connect with other writers. It is a non-judgmental course and process and therefore you can explore your writing without fear. 

Paige Nick, author of  A Million Miles from Normal , UnPresidented, This Way Up,  A Girl Walks into a Bar Ser

This is the course I did in 2008/9 and I wrote my first novel. I was sick of thinking about writing a novel and making false starts for years, so I took a week off work and did this course. By the end, I'd trashed the novel I'd been wheel-spinning on, and had a new idea. A month later I had a very dodgy first draft, which later became A Million Miles from Normal, published by Penguin Random House  in 2010. Today I'm working on my 9th novel, and pretty much still using the same techniques Sarah taught me.
So, if you're thinking of doing a writing course, stop thinking about it and do it. I can't imagine you'll regret it.

Book a Chat

We offer sessions to get publishing advice, book advice or to discuss your writing plans. 
Choose between a 30 or 60 min session below. 

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