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All non-fiction books need a big idea

You know what you want to say and it feels logical to you, but how do you present it to the reader in a way that is clear, logical and compelling? Enter the Big Idea. All non-fiction books need one, or they run the risk of being a mish-mash of all your thoughts, ideas and lessons.


The Big Idea is a single and clear statement that answers the question: ‘What is your book about?’ You don’t want to imply this, or hint at it – you want to state it clearly, and upfront. Most Big Ideas are stated (or contained) in the title, or at least on the cover

of your book.

For instance: you can see grief as magic if you look at it differently (My Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion).

​You need to change the way you think about money if you want to get rich (Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki).

Only 20? Learn to manage your money if you want to succeed. (Manage your money like a f**king grownup by Sam Beckbessinger).

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